Page 145 - E-CookBook Healthy Future
P. 145

Food wastage                                                Food wastage

 4.2 Reducing wastage

 There are two categories of food waste:
                In 2013, the Italian Ministry of Environment started working on a Na-
 originally edible (OE) food waste and originally
     tional Plan for Food Waste Prevention, involving the main stakeholders of the
 inedible (OIE) waste (Silvennoinen et al. 2015,
     food chain (PINPAS adopted with D.M. 185 of 18/07/2014).
     EXPO 2015 was an initiative concerning the food waste prevention. The PIN-
          According to Silvennoinen et al. (2015, 140), when we are talking about   PAS foresees ten priorities at the national level.
 “food service sector” it means a part of the food system, business or institu-  A new law promote the donation of food instead of let it became waste. This
 tional activities responsible for any food or meal prepared and served outside   regulation is composed by 18 articles and is the national framework for the
 the home. This “food service sector” includes different types of served food   food waste.
 outlets that serve and prepare food and at the same time produce food wa-
 stage.   The objectives of this new national law are to reduce the waste production
                                                                          (Silvennoinen et al. 2015, 140.)  along the whole chain (production, transformation, distribution) for food and

     pharmaceutical products; to promote the recycling and donation of food lefto-
 It’s good to remember that food wastage can be generated in any stages of   ver (and pharmaceutical products) for the purpose of social solidarity and
 the service, whether it is in the kitchen or on the plate. When it comes to the   human use; to limit negative impacts on the environment and on the natural
 question of when food goes to waste, before that you must understand what   resources with specific actions intended to reduce the waste production and
 bio wastage is. There are two categories: originally edible food waste (OE)
 or originally inedible bio waste (OIE) such as vegetable peelings, bones and   promote the re-use and recycling in order to expand the life cycle of any pro-
 coffee grounds.   ducts; to reach general objectives established by the National Programme
 (Silvennoinen et al. 2015, 140.)  for the Waste Prevention and the reduction of the biowaste going to landfills.
                                                                    (Italian  Ministry of the Environment.)
 According to Silvennoinen et al. (2015, 140) Finnish research indicated that
 about 20% of all food handled and prepared in the sector was wasted. Ac-
 cording to the research findings the main drivers of wasted food are created   Italian National plan for the prevention of food waste:
 on the breakfast buffet or buffet services and overproduction. Main reason
 for that is that in the buffet service food should be filled from time to time to    
 maintain it attractive and good looking all the time.   chivio_immagini/Galletti/Comunicati/PINPAS%20
 (Silvennoinen et al. 2015, 140.)    GNO%202014.pdf

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