Page 80 - E-CookBook Healthy Future
P. 80

Local food

           Summer strawberry cake

                         Made partly using leftovers from other dessert.

                           To cut down on spoilage.

           Ingredients for 4:                        Preparation
                                  For the cake:
         For the cake:            1.  Preheat oven to 160 degrees C                          For the mascarpone      For the mascarpone whipped cream:
         36g milk                 2.  Using a small brush, lightly coat a ø 15 cm cake pan with    whipped cream:    1.  Combine mascarpone, whipping cream, vanilla pod and
         38g butter                    softened butter or vegetable-oil cooking spray. Dust with   200g mascarpone         the sugar. Whisk until peaks form.
         76g flour                     flour, tap out any excess, and set aside.             250g whipping cream
         2g baking powder         3.  Measure the butter and the milk into a pot. Warm it up until    1 vanilla pod
         2g salt                       the butter has melted. Set aside.                     50g sugar
         2 eggs                   4.  Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Set aside.
         76g sugar                5. Using an electric whisk beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla
         1 vanilla pod                                                                                                For the meringue:
                                       pods together until pale and fluffy.                  For the meringue:
           Ingredients for 4:     6.  Stir in the dry ingredients gently mixing. Mix just enough to    50g egg whites  1. Preheat the oven at 75°C.
                                       blend the batter.                                     100g sugar               2. Beat the egg whites until firm peaks form.
                                  7.  Add the butter and milk mixture. Mix just enough to blend    1 Pinch of salt    3. Add small amounts of sugar gradually, while still beating
                                       the batter.                                                                    the egg whites.
                                  8.  Pour batter into the prepared pan.                                                      4. Add a small amount of salt and lemon juice into the
                                  9.  Bake on the lower rack of the oven until a tester inserted in                           mixture.
                                       the center of each cake layer comes out clean -- about 20    Ingredients for 4:        5. Put the mixture into a pastry bag and make small
                                       to 30 minutes. Cool completely on a wire rack.                 Emissions                 meringues on a baking tray covered with baking paper.
                                                                                                  (g per kg food)              6. Bake at 75°C for a long time until they are dried out.

                                  For the strawberry coulis:
         For the strawberry coulis:  1.  Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan, and bring the     Equivalent               Assemble the cake:
         200g strawberry purée         mix to a boil.                                                to 0,16 km               1. Add all the components into serving bowls as a de
         50g 30% sugar syrup                                                                             by car                constructed cake.
                                  2.  Simmer slowly until the sauce thickens enough.
                                  3.  Cool the sauce.

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